Web-Based Real-Time Automation System
Web HMI, a web-based remote access system, provides advanced data services, including data collection and alarm management. Web HMI offers remote performance monitoring and proactive maintenance of equipment. We offer a highly cost-effective Web HMI that is viewable from anywhere through any standard web browser interface. Our automation system supports various protocols, including Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Uni-Telway, EtherNet/IP, DF1, FINS TCP, FINS Hostlink, ISO TCP, PPI, MPI, Profibus, Mitsubishi FX, Hitachi EH, and ASCII.

Remote Access
- Troubleshoot and program the PLCs remotely
- View and control remote HMIs
- Connect anywhere on any device
Remote Data
- Receive machine data with time stamps (Alarms, Set Point etc)
- Collect field data for value-added service
- Store up to 1 million data points locally

Remote Management
- Manage multiple sites, equipment and users
- Analyse trends and performance
- Manage alarms and events
Remote Network
- Set up a VPN-based extranet network
- Interface PLCs to SCADA/Supervision system
- Various connectivity options