28th January 2018

Ammonia Absorption Chiller

-40°C Cooling from waste heat

Economic conditions for industrial and agricultural cooling energy generation have changed considerably over the past years. As electricity tariffs continue to rise, but heat is readily available from decentralized power generation, absorption chillers that use heat instead of electricity may be more economically favorable than conventional reciprocating compression chillers in many cases.

The ammonia/water absorption chiller named “ago congelo” generates cooling energy up to a coolant outlet temperature of -40 °C. This chiller primarily requires heat produced during the client’s industrial processes or during power generation in a CHP plant or gas turbine. Compared to reciprocating compression chillers, this system’s electricity demand is minimal.

Solutions to reduce costs and additionally save the environment

  • Reduction of operating costs by using waste heat of the CHP
  • Reduction of electric power input
  • Low maintenance and repair costs
  • Long durability, high reliability
  • An increase of energy efficiency through trigeneration compared to a separate cooling generation
  • Use of a natural refrigerant with long-term availability
  • No chemicals are added (just pure ammonia and distilled water)
  • Subsidised by Government

Exemplified design of an ago congelo®

Description/Model 50 100 150 250 500 750 1000
Heat capacity (cooling water and waste heat of the CHP plant) 105/82°C 109 217 326 544 1087 1631 2175
Cooling capacity +1/-5°C 50 100 150 250 500 750 1000
Re-cooling capacity +25/+30°C 159 317 476 794 1587 2381 3175
Electric nominal output 5.5 7.5 7.5 11.0 18.5 30.0 30.0
Electric nominal output summer 4.19 5.57 7.04 9.84 16.29 22.28 28.01
Electric nominal output winter 2.36 2.63 3.12 4.14 6.46 8.60 10.61
Heat ratio Q0/QH 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46

Figures in kW